Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Fun on the Fourth; TdF, day 3

After another good chunk of the day spent working around the place, Rick and Brian went to treat a sick horse and go to town. They came back with this lovely bouquet of flowers - and fireworks!

After eating supper (including a fresh strawberry/rhubarb crisp; mmm), Rick and I played spectator while Brian set off his day-time assortment. Since I don't do "spectator" well without something in my hands, Myrtle joined us in celebrating Independence Day:
As it grew dark we drove over the hill to take in the municipal fireworks display; I took Myrtle along for that as well. Spinning in the dark with black fiber was an interesting experience!

Day three's results:
Yes, the miniSpinner got some love, too:

That's it for the Fourth from . . .


  1. That purple is very pretty, are you in the sprinters? Looks like it will be a lace weight.
    What is a strawberry rhubarb crisp?

  2. No, not in the sprinters. And I hope you're wrong; I'm aiming for a sockweight two-ply!

    Rick requested a strawberry-rhubarb pie, but then said it could be a crisp since all he really cares about is the filling and he knows I hate to make pie crust. I top the fruit mixture with a crumb topping made of oatmeal, whole wheat pastry flour, organic sugar, sliced almonds and oil.

  3. Sounds like a fab 4th for everyone. Your spinning looks great. I am in awe, I never would tackle black fiber...

  4. Love that bouquet! Such and interesting collection of colors and textures-


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