Friday, May 20, 2011

Stealth entertainment

Oreo is very difficult to photograph, for as soon as I stop to point my camera at her, she walks towards me for attention. (Petting only, please; she is not a cuddle-cat!)

One sunny morning this week she was lolling about in the gravel when I walked by to do chores. Because I kept walking, she kept lolling. So I went in the barn, turned my camera on and activated the zoom, then slipped just my camera around the edge of the barn door to capture my kitty. What a character she is when she thinks no one is watching! (Click to biggify for even more entertainment!)

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Those pictures are priceless~!

  2. I have the same problem with my lambs and horses. They just keep following me and I can't get a decent shot. This is perfect, and what a beautiful cat.

  3. Love it! My Emma is also hard to capture, and she is definitely a "pet me, don't pick me up!" cat as well.

    Nancy in Iowa

  4. Great shots! Isn't it funny how animals react to the camera? Our Rascal used to come pose whether I wanted him in the picture or not! I have two goats that always turn their back to me whenever I try to take their picture. Makes a body wonder what they "know" about things like cameras, LOL

  5. LOL what great pictures. My horse is terrible to photograph if it just me, he comes right over for attention if I get a camera out.


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