Friday, April 01, 2011

Quick update

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood; spring seemed to arrive with the lambs on the last day of March. I wish I could get all the sheep out in the sun on the green, green grass, but I leave this afternoon for a women's retreat on the coast and the sheep don't know Rick well enough for him to easily get them back in their various spaces for the night.

Everyone is doing well today; Annabelle's twins have been dubbed Birdie and Bart. I have to admit, Birdie was the little ewe's name from the start, but I couldn't think of a good B name for her twin for awhile. Not that "Bart" is all that, but it suits him well enough.

Have I mentioned how thrilled I am to have EWE lambs?!? Lambs I can hold and snuggle to my heart's content? Have I?

I had a sheepy visitor this morning, and we had a lovely visit (with the sheep and with each other). Two of my sheep may go home with her in June after Black Sheep Gathering.

Much more to do here before I leave. I promise to post fresh lamb photos after I return - and maybe even some knitting and spinning FOs!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Michelle, I know nothing about sheep, except maybe the difference between a ram and a ewe. What a spectacular time I've had the past few days waiting for the birth of the babies. They are adorable is all I know! Thanks for posting it and have a wonderful time at your retreat!

  2. Michelle, It sounds like you have had a exciting and busy week. Congratulations on the the little ones. Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh great names! And I am so excited for you that there are some huggable ewes to keep! Have a great time at the retreat. Renew, refresh have fun!

  4. Have a wonderful retreat!!

  5. Yay! Lambies are here at last!! What little beauties AND you're on a B year too. Can't wait to see more photos :o)

  6. Ha! Jenny, I'm ALWAYS on a B year. Until I can't think of any more (and that should be a long time with my small flock), I plan to name all my lambs with B names.


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