Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 2011

In spite of this March going down in the record books as having the most consecutive days of rain ever, and close to being the wettest and coldest ever, the flowers are blooming and the chickens are laying. These are the three eggs Welsie has laid, in order from left to right. See how she's getting better at pigment distribution, and slightly darker each time?

As for my overdue sheep?

They mock me.

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Love those sheep expressions! LOL.

    Welsummer eggs are fascinating. I've noticed mine are laying a little darker this year than last. One never puts spots on hers. Always a surprise.

  2. I feel for you. I'm also waiting on more babies here. Just one set of kids so far. :(

  3. It's been a grind here too. We saw the sun today. Those faces are talking to you, aren't they - don't know if they're mocking. Maybe begging for it to be over??

  4. I always wondered what the speckles on the eggs I know! Great pictures of the sheep ;)

  5. Oh my, they are mocking you. Waiting for sunnier weather no doubt.

  6. That last picture is too funny!

  7. Wow, and I thought the bags on my girls were have me beat. Garrett and I both think we are going to start squeezing sheep soon. lol

  8. What an udder! She looks ready to go at any moment...over on this side of the country, mine are waiting for the snow storm tomorrow. I just know they are.


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