Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shall we go for a walk today?

Yes! It was cold but mostly clear, so this afternoon we headed out as a family - Brian on his bike and Rick and I on foot. I don't think Rick has ever walked at my pace before; exercising every day is helping him! We went over three miles up and down the hill, enjoying the beautiful views and crisp air. Mr. Lumix and I captured some worthy images to share with you, I think. :-)

Before we left, I noticed a deer bedded down in our lower pasture. I decided to see how close Mr. Lumix could pull her in.
This is on full zoom, and I cropped the photo as well. It isn't high-rez, but still pretty clear. What a great little camera!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Love those zoom lenses. Nice moon shot too. No moon here. Nothin' but snow--all day in SE ID.

  2. What beautiful photos-especially the first one. I'm very impressed with your new little camera and what it can do under a variety of conditions.

  3. That first photo is really nice. Love the harvest-y colors and the layers of the fields. Must have been a really lovely walk-

  4. How's Rick been feeling? I love walking. We almost hit minus 30 here and the snow is deep - no walking. Plus I'm too pooped after slugging through chores! I love your blog background.

  5. I added "earworm" to the tags because the title of the post is also the title of a song for the little tots in church....

    Heather, Rick is feeling (and looking!) great! Thanks for asking!

  6. Beautiful! I want to go for a walk now! My lady took Nigel for a walk - he bounced around a lot. Tee hee.

  7. Nice shots! For a cool sunset effect, manually set your white balance to "cloudy".

  8. Thanks, Sara; I'll check that out. This camera does have a "sunset" setting which really helps capture the yellow/orange/red tones.


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