Friday, November 05, 2010

I spy, from my window high...

...(my very dirty window) a pumpkin-eater!

And great news; Rick passed his stress test today with flying colors, and gets to cut the dosage on two of his four medications in half! Yippee!

I think that's it for today from . . .


  1. Yay on both counts! My sheep were suspicious at first, but soon dove in and snarfed them up.

    The camera was still on sale - I bought one.

  2. Great news. Way to go Rick!

    My my, you have been a boon to Pansonic sales ;-) They should give you some $ consideration for your recommendation! Our new camera came yesterday; we love it so far. The Lumix is almost exactly the size of my ailing Cannon...perfect.

  3. Great news for Rick!!!! My sheep are feasting, too. Rams are all together now w/o bloodshed.

  4. I wish, Lois! But informing my friends of a good deal on a great product is quite satisfying, since I can't afford to GIFT everyone with something like this! Did you see the post from earlier today? Katie's CLEAN fleece; YUM!

  5. Great news about Rick!

  6. quadruple yeah on the stress test!

  7. Phew - that is great news!

  8. Nothing hits the spot better than good news~! Enjoyed seeing the pumpkin eater.. cute.. My friend has goats ~ wonder if they eat pumpkins.. I'll have to call her.
    ta ta for now from Iowa...

  9. Such great news on Rick's test! Continued prayers for your whole family. You know, when I saw the sheep/pumpkin picture, I thought "is that a hippo?". Oh gee, I need to get my glasses on LOL!

  10. Great news about Rick!!!! I know that takes allot of worry off your mind.

  11. Great news. Less medication will make him feel much better too.


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