Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Lovely....enjoyed the picture story and am very jealous of all the cut and split firewood.

  2. Enjoyed the snapshot of your day.

  3. Good stuff! I enjoy taking in this type of posts.

  4. Love the photos, especially the second one. Those darling dogs are so very interested in what that young man is doing. It's as if they are saying..."Is that ours?"
    Very nice!

  5. Kelly, that wood was a trade-out with one of Rick's clients. It's dry, split oak - cut too short for our wood stove, but it'll burn well this winter! The wood that is already in the shed was supposed to be dry but it isn't, so we're very thankful for this load.

    Summer, in fact Brian was helping Jackson open his birthday present - so it WAS something for the dogs (because, of course, Jackson is a good boy and shares with Dozer)!


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