Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Woodland Wednesday

This morning dawned foggy but clear. Hurray, we get a one-day break in the rain! The sheep are out frolicking, and I WILL ride my horse this morning.

The light coming through the trees during morning chores was pretty. After taking the photo above, I decided to play with my new camera a bit. I took the photos below using some of the settings it offers, and love the variations. This new relationship is looking very promising!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Looks like you may have a keeper....

  2. Wonderful photos! Glad you were given a day for the sheep to frolick and for you to ride your horse.

  3. Great pictures! I should play with my camera as well, but when I do I forget that I have changed the setting and then take a bunch of pictures that end up looking nothing like I had intended. ha! Hope you have a great ride!

  4. is time for a disclosure! What camera is this? My little Canon has suffered from our hikes in UT this fall and the mechanism that opens and closes the camera is stuttering. Happily it stopped smoking whenever the flash went off ;-) but I wonder about its longevity. Still liking Canons a lot, but am open to other possibilities.

  5. Lovely. Simply lovely.

    Have I told you hopw much I envy you where you live?

  6. Thank-you, MaskedMan (and all of you!). But you do know I only show you the good parts, right? :-)

  7. Well, the good parts could certainly make up for a lot of 'bad.'

  8. Oh, I agree whole-heartedly!

  9. This camers is a keeper. How did you figure out how to get such great shots so quickly? It usually takes me years. After 3 years, I just discovered my sports setting! You must read the instruction book.

  10. Well, no, I haven't yet.... :-)

  11. What a good idea. I love those photos. Great experiment!

  12. Beautiful shots. Incredible how the same picture can give such a range of different feelings.


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