Brian and I enjoyed looking through the animal barns, and I spent awhile chatting with a couple fellow Shetland breeders who were there as exhibitors. This was the biggest sheep we saw - I think it's a mature Montadale ram. Saddle up!
Brian had several things on his "Fair agenda," and one of them was riding the mechanical bull. He even brought his own money to pay for the privilege of hitting the mat! Since he was the first taker of the day, the operator let him have two tries for the price of one; making for a happy little cowboy.
I always love visiting the poultry building; there are so many beautiful varieties of chickens.
This one is preening so you can't see her head; love the black and white plumage!
There were also some handsome pigeons. We got to watch (and Brian got to hold and "roll") a parlor roller, my first introduction to this variety. Very strange and somewhat disturbing, since it reminded me of Emma at the end, when she was disoriented and couldn't fly. The breeder vowed they like to roll, though!
There was a much-advertised Dino Feature, but we were out of cash and it was an additional ticket. But nearby there was a free kids' park with climbing walls, and Brian was more than happy to do that instead:
There's more, but this is photo-heavy enough for one post.
More from Monday to come . . .
I do love the poultry exhibit, but I love the bunny exhibit more - probably because the 4H-ers are so involved. Hope Brian loses his fascination for broncs.