Friday, June 04, 2010

Byz and Bardas

I have had the hardest time getting good photos of Byzantine and Bardas. Here they are, almost a week old, and I've posted what - five photos of them? Can I blame the weather?

When the sun came out after rain poured down all night and into the morning, I took Katie and her boys out for some green grass and a photo op. The little jumping beans don't make getting pictures of them easy, but I did get a few. Even though it's blurry, this one is my favorite:
This one shows their color and fleece differences most clearly:
They both have lots of little white splashes on their heads, although Byz's are harder to see among his gulmoget markings:
Today was the first time I noticed that one of Byz's splashes is on the back of his right ear:
And isn't this the cutest bum on the planet?
That's the latest lamb report from . . .


  1. They're beautiful, Michelle! I love the shot showing the difference in their fleece. And, you're so right - that is a cut bum! Have a great weekend.

  2. I love the first picture of them touching noses, very cute. Last picture is great too lol.

  3. Those are two gorgeous little rams.

  4. I agree. Cutest bum on the planet!

  5. Hey Denise, that little bum is AVAILABLE! ;-)

  6. Both just cute as bug's ears and bums! Great pictures Michelle, even though we have been weather challenged of late.

  7. So cute! And such great fleeces! :)

  8. Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't be so hasty in deciding that we don't need another ram! Better keep some wiggle room ;-)


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