Thursday, April 29, 2010

New flock members...

...or why I don't have more grass for my sheep. :-(

That's it for now from . . .


  1. wow, there's a double(triple) take! Obviously you've got the best grass in town, though.

  2. Mmmm! the grass does look very lush.

  3. That is crazy!!! Do they dine there often?

  4. Oh yes, Shannon, anywhere on our five acres they can get their grubby little hooves on! That's why my landscaping has to be as deer-resistant as possible -- and my garden has to be surrounded by an eight-foot fence! Meadow rats, indeed....

  5. Rats with Antlers!!!! Bah, Humbug!

    I think one should volunteer to live in your freezer to make up for all of them tasting your sheeps' meals. ;)

  6. OMGosh! How beautiful. Family is who you make it!

  7. It seems as though your sheep don't mind sharing!


  8. It's funny - since we've had our llamas, we don't see deer near the pasture any more. We still see them in the woods, but they don't jump the fence. I think they don't like the llamas staring at them!

  9. Great shot! I know it's not what it looks like though. I hope Brava is doing better.


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