Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Watching and waiting

I'll admit it, I have a belly obsession. This is the time of year I love to sit and watch for little fluttery kicks, or the roll of a wee head.

"We'll try to wait until the contest ends."

That's it for now from . . .


  1. I also love to sit and watch babies rolling around in tummies. I spend hours out with my goat girls watching and enjoying. Now it's the same only I get to watch those babies bouncing around OUTSDIE mama's tummy! :)

  2. Go Brava Go!! I love their bellies too. I particularly love that last picture - it is so perfect of their expressions. Sheep have the most gentle, soft expressions, and that photo really captures their essence. Love it!

  3. Me too! I spent an hour just sitting in the field yesterday watching the girls graze and wondering what woolly little delights are hiding in their bellies. Can't wait to see your lamb photos this year :o)

  4. What beautiful ladies! And nice, plump bellies too! I can't wait to see who pops out!

  5. And don't forget those milkbags! My first lambs should come in about a week and, though I've been doing this for years, it's still a thrill.

  6. Oh yes, Dianne; I'm sure the girls are tired of me "feeling them up." All three have different development, though; Dinah gets the biggest bag, Inky's stays rather flaccid, and Brava's is very high and connected to her body.


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