Monday, February 15, 2010

What a weekend!

Where to start? Company, flowers, chocolate, good food, a musical, a new table game, Olympics, Valentine's Day, flowers, cookies and knitting.

You already know that I started my Knitting Olympics vest Friday evening during opening ceremonies, although we didn't turn on the TV. My sister and her husband arrived in time for supper, the table graced by the beautiful bouquet of flowers my husband brought home for Valentine's. We didn't stay up late as Kristine and Phil had spent the previous night in the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport on Coleman cots (thanks to the biggest snow storm there in 111 years) and were very tired.

On Sabbath Phil's dad and friend (from Medford) met us at church, and Phil's dad came home with us for dinner before going on to a men's chorus practice in Salem. My sister had offered Rick and I a date night, so we went out to eat and then saw The Fantasticks at the local community theater (Brian was thrilled he got a "date night" with his aunt and uncle!). When we got home we watched a little of the Olympics while playing a table game my sister brought along (Phase 10). It was a lot of fun - we stayed up TOO LATE!

On Valentine's Day morning there were cards and chocolates for Brian and I from Rick; I got Rick a Western-style vest. After breakfast and more Olympics, we went to the Evergreen Air and Space Museums, meeting up with Phil's dad's friend and her family there. After Phil's dad and friend headed back to Medford, we had some more time with Kristine and Phil at home. I had ordered special Valentine's Day sugar cookies for everyone, which we enjoyed, along with another game of Phase 10. Then they headed to Portland to meet other relatives and get a good night's sleep in preparation for my sister's interview today, and I knitted some more. Here is my progress so far:I just started my third ball of yarn; I'm worried about having enough. Of course I'm using a discontinued yarn, and will be able to get no more should I run out before finishing this vest. I do have two or three more skeins in different colors (white, lighter grey), but I don't think any amount of over-dying would disguise the differences. I'm trying not to panic, but will definitely take note on how much the back of the vest takes before starting on the fronts.

Oh, and our daphne odora (oh, heavenly scent!) opened on Sunday!
That's it for now from . . .


  1. I hope you had a great day yesterday, sounds like it. Someone made ours much brighter. ;)
    And I can't (again) believe things are starting to bloom there. We still have half the snow on the ground which freezes each night with our zero and teens temps.
    I am so looking forward to "green", but as this is an El Nino year, I know we will have more snows in March and April. Oi!

  2. It is possible to post on Ravelry looking through people's stash to see if they have any of the yarn you need and if they will sell or trade a skein...just in case.

  3. Love that stitch pattern. Makes a really nice texture. Kind of wish I'd gone in for the knitting olympics,, but I didn't get organized in time... so I'll just sheer you on instead!

  4. What a nice Valentine's Day :-)


  5. I had a major wipeout last night and after hours of trying to fix it had to rip all the way back to almost the beginning. Today is a new day.

    Keeping my fingers crossed on your yarn amounts. I would probably start scouring Ravelry for any extras.

  6. Melanie and Sara, I already looked on Ravelry (and googled it) but nothing of any color came up for this yarn! I do have two skeins of a lighter grey, so without looking at the pattern I've been brainstorming how I could incorporate those into the front panels to make their use look intentional and attractive. I will turn those thoughts into a plan if the back takes more than half the yarn....


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