Friday, February 05, 2010

Pet peeve

I have my email account set for quarantine, so any suspected spam is held for my review and I can retrieve messages that were incorrectly judged to be trash. The vast majority of messages that end up in my quarantine mailbox have one thing in common. Not that I read them; it's right there in their titles. Seriously, is there really that big of a market for Viagra? Don't people have jobs, and families, and (other) hobbies?

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Come on Michelle, I know you've been secretly looking for the best price on one of those implants to make you "last longer and please the ladies" because I sure get those messages all the time, so you must get them too! Every time I just shake my head in disbelief....who actually responds to these things?!

  2. oh yeah, I knew I couldn't be the only one who gets that garbage. Glad you're sharing the wealth. I'm sick of it. I can't imagine that anybody really reads that stuff.


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