Sunday, January 24, 2010

Of Katie and cake

Shhhh. Don't tell the others, but Katie has staked a claim on "most favored status" in no time! Here she is coming (looking for her grain treat) -from the side (sans diaper) -and going.That final photo is not a lucky chance shot catching her at her widest stance, either; that is how she ALWAYS looks! Purty little fluke tail, too, where you can see the bluish cast to her light grey fleece. I took a close-up shot of her fleece at mid-side that shows the mix of light and dark fibers; without flash it really does look bluish. I've always said I'd love a "blue" katmoget, but this will definitely do for now!
Katie isn't the only treasure Lois delivered last Friday evening. After loading up Katie for the trip to Boulderneigh, Lois came around the truck with a box. She explained that it was something she got years ago when she lived in "hunt country," and thought maybe I could use it since she had other cake sets from her mom and Brook's family. On top was this exquisite cake plate, with cups, saucers and plates below. I've never had a cake set, and since I seem to be making several German chocolate cakes a year now, you can be sure I will be serving them in style - and the warmth of a friend's love and generosity:
That's it for now from . . .


  1. The fleece looks ideal to spin. Lovely mix of colours. Ideal to be left natural.

  2. What a nice thing for your friend to do. It's a wonderful gift. And Katie...she is beautiful. That fleece will be lovely spun up.

  3. That trip sure had positive rewards. The plate is very interesting, and you will have to hurry up and eat the cake so that you can see the design.
    I guess you have to shear the sheep before you can spin, too.

  4. That is one, beautiful sheep! And Lois is one, very special lady...

  5. Yes Nancy, Lois is one of the sweetest people I know. I try to emulate her gentleness and tact, but must admit it doesn't come naturally!

  6. Here's hoping Katie carries polled for you! She's one special looking sheep - from a very special lady!
    ...very cool cake set, too!

    Here's hoping work will pick for Rick.

  7. This is totally off topic Michelle, but I saw these cute cute cute needle felted crafts and thought of you. Check them out at:

  8. Those ARE cute, Heather! My personal taste runs more in the realistic vein, but I can sure appreciate someone else's creations!

  9. All beautiful. I sure don't need any cake, but maybe I can come up with something to entice you into a wee fiber trade this spring? ;-)

  10. I'm sure we can agree on SOMEthing, Sara! ;-)


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