Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Say what? (amended)

I'll tell you one thing, yesterday's forecast didn't say anything about THIS! Oh no, the weather was supposed to warm slightly, and then the wet front was going to move in and give us rain. Ahem. Not that I'd rather have mud, but I nearly had a wreck on my way home from Salem yesterday afternoon (it started snowing while I was there). There was ice under the snow on a bridge with traffic halted at the far end. I wasn't going fast, but still couldn't get stopped in time. Managed to steer the car between the SUV and the guard rail without hitting either one; lots of thankful prayers for that near miss!

Turned the dogs out when I got home; Jackson LOVES snow but Dozy wasn't so sure. This may be his first experience with snow; I don't know. But after a few tentative bites of the stuff, he and Jackson actually played in it.(Click to biggify; you'll see the glitter of Jackson's manic eye!)

And last night? Magic:
This morning Brian couldn't bundle up fast enough to get out there with his snowboard. With rising temperatures and falling rain, the snow is melting fast, but the icy slush made for a slick surface. He even "slid" down to the barn to do chores this morning:
That's it for now from . . .


  1. Kylie wishes she was there to play with her boyfriend! :) Dozer looks like he adjusted to the cold stuff pretty quickly. We're heading down to Yachats for New Years eve tomorrow and will visit Sis in Florence and Mom in Eugene on the way home on New Years Day....sounds like it's gonna be a soggy one. Wishing your and your family a wonderful New Year!!! Tammy and the Wrensong bunch

  2. Unbelievable!!! We want snow, but it didn't make it this far south. Glad to hear that you made it home safe. Have a very Happy New Year!

  3. Glad that you made it home safely - great pictures! The first one would make a beautiful card! Well, they all would :)

  4. Love these photos... Brian on the snowboard makes me MISS my boys (now 21 & 23) as they used to (probably still do!) jump on and ride any wayward board or fence or curb... Yes, the dogs & their gifts and in the snow are a riot. Makes me smile, thank you!

  5. My toes curled reading about your near miss. Well steered!

    Those pup pics are just too hilarious.

  6. Fun! Well, except the near miss part. Great pics!

  7. Ah yes, the solid white form of rain that us Wisconsinites are all too familiar with! :-)

  8. Came here as soon as I saw the comment on my blog. So sorry about your vehicle.
    Thinking of you tonight. Love that you're knitting. I'm watching a Thin Man marathon on TCM. Love those old Nick & Nora mysteries.


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