Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Torch Tuesday

As in the flaming foliage of the Japanese maple in the island bed of our circular driveway:
And as in "I am carrying a torch for you, Dinah; stand still!""What? Is it my snail scurs?"

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Wow she seriously looks worried he might catch her lol
    I love maples, something that wont grow here on our wind swept plain :P

  2. Wow, that tree is gorgeous! I wish I had a yard. Wah! Must wait till May to get mine back...I have a snowball tree in the front yard, and a decimated chinese elm in the back yard. Hope it survives the winter, after the renter's dog took all the bark off it.

  3. Poor Dinah. The tree has such a variety of beautiful colors. Worth looking forward to fall.

  4. We have a Japanese maple but it never turned as brilliant as that!

  5. I think his snail scurs are kinda cute... :-) Beautiful trees!

  6. She is just playing hard to get.....for NOW! ;)

  7. Beautiful colors!

    Poor Blackberry, hopefully Dinah gives in soon :)

  8. Beautiful leaf colors, michelle.
    And Blackberry's snail scurs look like the ones on White Pines Parker, the ram Sabrina traded me for LRO Ash.


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