Sunday, October 04, 2009

Deck shots

That's it for now from . . .


  1. I love the moon shot.

    But what is going on in the first picture? Is that a horse on the ground inside the fence? Rolling in dirt? And the outside horses - are they amused? Concerned? Jealous?

    Curious Nancy in Iowa

  2. Sorry Mom L, I thought about providing commentary but I just couldn't muster the wordsmithing. The horse laying down in the arena is my horse Russell, who can't be turned out with the other horses because he's dominant and would probably hurt someone. He also is healing from a splint, so I don't want him running around on the hard, sloped ground. But when he gets his afternoon turn-out in the sand, he always lays down for a good nap, and that day, the other horses were obviously feeling sociable, taking standing naps nearby. Other times, he and the sorrel with chrome face-fight over the arena rails....

  3. Thank you for the explanation. 'Cause I was having the same thoughts as Mom L....

  4. That first photo is just crying out for a funny caption. It's like their watching him play out a death scene or something.

  5. I had to chuckle at Russell...I remember seeing my mare lying down like that and always went to make sure she was still breathing. ;)
    Some things never change, eh?

  6. Research shows that horses NEED at least a short period (like 20 minutes) of recumbent rest a day to be truly rested; when they don't get that they actually show symptoms of sleep deprivation. I guess Russell is just taking care of himself. :-) Inky does the same thing; SHE scares me, the old gal!

  7. LOVE your photos. Beautiful flowers and moon. The drama horse is hysterical. If I can't go out with the others, I'll throw myself to the ground and hold my breath!


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