Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sheep shots

Many Shetland shepherds have lamented the fact that it is difficult to get good shots of friendly sheep. But there are ways.... I took these when I was in our arena with Russell, and Dinah, particularly, isn't at all sure that giant animal is safe. (In fact, I have to watch that she doesn't panic and start racing back and forth from one end of the long pocket pasture along the arena to the other. The chubby thing could have a heart attack doing that!) Makes for good, alert expressions - even if the background isn't scenic! Doesn't Blackberry have a beautiful head? Unfortunately, Dinah doesn't think much of him. She isn't cycling yet, so why should she?

Speaking of friendly sheep, check out some of the latest photos of Beau and Boo. Aren't they living the life of Riley?
That's it for now from . . .


  1. How heartwarming to see Beau and Boo with their mew owners!

  2. I love that second shot. It looks like you asked them to pose for you. And that last picture with the little boy is priceless. Even though he's not facing the camera you can tell how excited he is.


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