Sunday, July 26, 2009

A new tree grows at Boulderneigh

I think MiniKat has got to be the awarding-est woman in the blogosphere! She recently sent another one my way, bless her heart; it's enough to make a girl immodest. And isn't it handsome?The history behind it is powerfully emotional. The designer Ces said, "I designed this award to celebrate art in the blogs and to honor the value of friendship, sisterhood, sharing and caring. It is to be awarded to the gifted, accomplished, eloquent and talented blogger whose friendship and influence inspire us to do our best. That I named it after Bella Sinclair is because she epitomizes all of these things. She is an inspiration to many of us." (If you click on the Bella link, you will learn of the great tragedy in her life, and hopefully count and recount the blessings in your own.)

I've often lamented the apparent evaporation of my creative juices; I used to create two- and three-dimensional art for the fun of it, then commissioned work took more of my time. But since I've had Brian, I haven't made the time or even really had the urge to do much in the media I used to enjoy - and any hankerings I get are quickly drowned out by the busy reality of my current life. But in pondering this award I realized that blogging is a creative outlet for me. I love photography and creative writing, and blogging gives me a reason to indulge in both - with the hope that someone else enjoys my efforts.

Through blogging I have met many friends and "sisters" with whom I share much in common, or who, however different our lives may be, inspire me. Some of them are:
Lois at Stonehaven Farm (even though she doesn't "do" awards)
Melanie at Our Wee Farm
Kathy at Sheep Thrills Farm
Tammy at Fairlight Farm
Sharon at Sage Creek Farm
Adrienne in Chicagoland
Sara at Equinox Farm

One of the people I've "met" through blogging, but haven't gotten to know as well as the above, is Kate at Chronicles of a Country Girl. She is an AMAZING photographer (go see for yourself!). Recently she held a give-away on her blog, and I lucked out and won. My prize?This beautiful ceramic bird and two colorful fabric napkins. It was such a thrill to get these little treasures that it made me want to "share the love." Watch this space for your chance to win . . . something!

That's it for now at . . .


  1. Yikes! I don't think I'm worthy of that award. What a fascinating group of women. And the art - wow!

    Thanks for thinking of me. I will respectively send it along to help spread it around the world.

  2. Thank you dear Michelle- However difficult life may be for any of us, dear friends/sisters lighten the heart.

  3. I heartily agree with Lois' eloquent words. Thank you for passing this torch on. One of the treasures of my life is well as a few others in the Blog World. :)

    Thanks again!

  4. I realized that blogging is a creative outlet for me. I love photography and creative writing, and blogging gives me a reason to indulge in both - with the hope that someone else enjoys my efforts...

    This really struck a chord with me! That is pretty much my experience with blogging; rest assured: all your readers enjoy your efforts.


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