Sunday, May 24, 2009

Confused and pouting

"Shepherd Mom thought she'd schedule a post to publish while she's gone, and since I am so beautiful, of course I am the subject. But I don't think this is fair at all, because while she's off playing and showing you pictures of me in the grass and sunshine, all us sheep are locked up in the fold! Nothing but dry hay, and NO room to run! Shepherd Mom said something about us not following a stranger in and out, and not wanting us to get eaten by anything. Whatever; I think we're being incarcerated unjustly!"

"Please free the sheep at . . .


  1. Poor sheep - I would free you if I could! I'm sure your shepherd Mom has a good reason for locking you up....

    Nancy (sheepless) in Atlanta

  2. Can't you rush her when she comes in to feed you and then you can stampede out all at once? Wouldn't that be fun! Goat kisses from Isobelle!

  3. If I was there I would keep any eye on you so you are safe if you were out ;-)

    Wizz :-)

  4. It's a good thing Bevin wasn't around when you were born! She would have shown you some tricks of the trade for getting where YOU want to be!!

  5. Stay where your shepherd puts you! I USED to have a white ram who decided that he didn't have to stay where I wanted him....

  6. Sad to be you. You are OBVIOUSLY very, very mistreated.

  7. Poor unfortunate souls -- It's hard being a sheep... Used and abused, I'm sure. ;)

  8. At least the Shepard Mom cares enough to keep you safe, warm, dry , and fed. ;-)

    What a cutie you are!


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