Friday, March 27, 2009

The problem with being small

At least it wasn't a perimeter fence at . . .


  1. hee hee hee, I had the same problem last year!

  2. My lambs do the exact thing!! I always keep them in inner pens just for that reason. Beautiful lambs too.

  3. LOL! Too funny - Luna had this very experience yesterday, when we saw her running around outside the goat pen. Oops! I think we're going to put up a chicken wire "deterrence" mechanism...

  4. The awards are flying again in the miniature community. Once again I'm making sure they make it into the fiber community as well. ;-)

    You can pick yours up at your convenience.

  5. I am continually drooling over your lambs! :) That is a great pic, amazing just where a tiny lamb can wind up!!

  6. Adorable! Now skedaddle back in with your momma.


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