Monday, February 02, 2009

Boy toy

Saturday morning on my way back to the house after finishing chores, I couldn't spot Braveheart in the sheep lot. Then I saw that he was playing with the rope swing - just like Franjean did while he was here. I never got any good photos of Franjean with the "boy toy," so I had to try again. Here's Braveheart - aka "Raggedy Andy" - entertaining himself:
That afternoon after church I went down to the barn to turn Russell out into the arena for awhile. Braveheart was still sparring with the rope swing, so I took some more pictures in the afternoon light:
I don't know who is more easily amused, my ram (by the rope swing) or me (by watching my ram)!

That's it for now at . . .


  1. That is too cute! I love it when "dumb" animals prove the world wrong by being creative enough to entertain themselves. Wish you had a video camera for those antics!

  2. Heck, I know people who aren't that intelligent.

    Meant to get that into the first bit. I need my morning tea still. ;-)

  3. I hung a "horse ball" and a tire for my rams. They become VERY possessive of it (just ask Kathy in Az!)

    Bravehart is a very nice looking ram ~ although, I have to confess, I definitely prefer horns! His coat looks so tight. Doesn't it compress the fleece?

  4. How fun! Don't you just love it when the sheep play! I always loved watching them jumping and running. This with the swing is so cute!

  5. I love your new background as well as the pictures of your ram sparring with the swing :)

    Come on over to pick up your award!

  6. I can see that Kelly has a new project on his honey-do list. Build a swing for the sheep. He's gonna love that one!

  7. MiniKat, my digital camera takes video clips, but they are too large to upload and I can't figure out how to make them smaller. Besides, if I got close enough for good footage, he would stop playing and come over to see me.

    Nancy, the coats do "compress" the fleece but that's no problem; they don't felt or cot.

    Coming right over, Shannon!

  8. Silly rams, aren't they funny?

    I've left you a blog award... and wanted to let you know that I really like your new background! :D

  9. Now this cozy wallpaer looks so goes well with the frosty sedum photo. I love that some of the maple leaves are scattered in there too. The sun rise and foggy orchard photos are stunning.
    I have been thinking about getting a bread maker and baking my own you have one? Orange, cranberry pecan doesn't that sound yummy? I still can not find any mint chips:( for the cookies.
    Stay warm and happy...

  10. I need to hang something like your swing for my wether. Every once in awhile, I'll hear him out there bashing his head against the barn. Perhaps something hanging from a tree would keep him entertained.


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