Friday, November 14, 2008

Sun, sheep, socks

I have learned that yesterday's rays were not a fluke; since the last time I watched the weather forecast (days can go by without TV around here) it changed from rain all this week to a nice stretch of sunny days through at least half of next week. Of course, that could change again, so I try to make hay - or rather, take photos - while the sun shines. Below are some of the shots I took while out and about yesterday.
This morning I turned everyone but Braveheart out together. Franjean was so excited by the access to Butter that he barely stopped for a bite of grain and some posturing - the rest of the time he was chasing her at a gallop.Butter was obviously not interested in being romanced (frankly, he is NOT a smooth operator) and I was afraid that he would re-injure himself and maybe her with his blind passion, so I took Butter back to the fold. If Franjean comes in sound this evening, I will turn them all out together again tomorrow and hope for the best.

After Butter left, Franjean took his frustrated ramhood out on the rope swing and small twigs in the sheep lot. Actually, he does this on a regular basis, so it wasn't really out of "frustration of the moment." Still photos don't capture the humor of a he-ram sparring with a dangling rope and head-wrestling spindly shoots!

Lest anyone getting overly excited at the prospect of seeing handknit socks, I must tell you that is not a pond into which I've dipped my toe. Don't know that I ever will, either, as long as there are wonderful socks available like these I got for my birthday. First, my mom put two pair of SmartWool running socks in my birthday package. (My sister introduced me to SmartWool socks, and they have TOTALLY spoiled me - LOVE 'em!) My mother-in-law sent me the pair decorated with little Jacksons; aren't they great?

Finally, a shot of Tawnie in the nest box this morning. She is such a beautifully marked hen, and I haven't gotten very many good photos of her.
That's it for now at . . .


  1. Beautiful pictures! Glad the ram is doing better-how could he not with all the great care you have given him! And you should still try your hand at knitting socks!
    (At least one pair!)

  2. I hope you had a nice birthday, Michelle. I LOVE the BC socks! I haven't tried socks yet either. Let me know if you're ever game for trying and maybe we can do it together ~ "misery loves company"!


  3. Don't you just love Gold Lacey Wyandots? they are such pretty chickens.

    One of the things that we've noticed with our breeding groups is that sometimes it happens "after dark" - more romantic??? - so you might want to put them in a smaller pasture so he doesn't have to run around so much. If she's bred tho, she won't give him the time of day...T.

  4. I missed the birthday??? I am sorry....happy birthday:) I like the socks by the way!

  5. "Ram Attitude" usually either is making me laugh or shaking my head in frustration. It would be fun to see a vid of Franjean duking it out with the rope swing. :) I am a Smartwool fanatic too, ever since wearing them in Search and Rescue. Love the Aussie socks!

  6. Nice pictures! I love the smartwool running socks. Keep on posting!


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