Thursday, November 06, 2008


Yesterday was our first seven-egg day! I figured it could happen sometime; we do, after all, have seven hens (which only gave us three eggs on Tuesday). The first egg was laid while I was doing morning chores. Brian picked up four more eggs yesterday evening while I brought the sheep in, but he didn't shut the henhouse door. I did a follow-up check before shutting the girls up for the night, found one intact egg hiding in the sawdust, and the messy remains of another at the bottom of a nesting box. Okay, that part was sad, but more eggcitement was waiting for me at the house. When I assembled the day's haul, Welsie's darker egg was VERY obvious (as was the identity of the broken egg - there was no green Ebony-egg).Here they are all cleaned up and in a carton; three Rhodie eggs (left and bottom center), Tawny's narrower "torpedo" (top center), Morgan's "pink" egg (top right) and Welsie's almost-chocolate egg. If, as I think I remember reading, Welsummer eggs get darker as the hens mature, the fun has only just begun!

That's all for now at . . .


  1. Gorgeous! I've been getting some dark speckled eggs from my cuckoo marans, too. Some have big speckles all over and some look like you've dusted them with cinnamon.

    Isn't gathering eggs about the best thing there is? It's like Christmas--only it happens every day!

    (And I'm still in love with Butter--have a real covetting problem with that little girl!)

  2. I haven't gotten a welsommer egg is several weeks now :-/. The Adventure Chickens might be ready for a new name! ;-)

  3. I never thought I'd get so giddy about eggs, but it is very exciting every time there is a new egg in our nesting boxes and trying to figure out who laid it. Are you adding any artificial light to help them keep laying? Later in the winter do you think it will be necessary?

  4. Yes, Kara, we did add a light on a timer to extend their light at the end of the day (it comes on at dusk). Our daylength is noticeably shorter than that at my parents down in TX, and the henhouse is under the trees as well. Without adding a light, I'm afraid they wouldn't get much!


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