Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Calendar and NaKniSweMo updates

I have designed and ordered a chicken calendar for myself, and will let you know if it is "purchase-worthy." The program says that most of my digital images are too low-res for good print quality, but Nancy K of "Real Sheep Wear Shetland Wool" calendar fame told me that her program said the same thing and her calendars turned out fine. I am using a site that "prints on demand," so you order directly from the publisher, and I don't pay for unwanted inventory. I think that's pretty cool! If the photos turn out satisfactorily I will let you know, and also put together a Boulderneigh Shetland Sheep calendar. Hopefully it is not too late in the year! Oh well, at any rate I will have my chicken calendar....

My NaKniSweMo project hit a big road bump. Halfway through the second sleeve, it became obvious that I did not have enough of the red to finish. The yarn, BIG Berella Bulky, is discontinued, so I contacted a friend who is on Ravelry and asked her to check there. No luck. Then A:-) pointed out the obvious solution - rip the sleeves and swap the colors, using grey for the main color and red for the stripes. Oh, how I hated to visit the frog pond, but could think up no other solution. So here is the first sleeve I am reworking next to the finished sleeve in the original pattern.I'll still get this done for Brian's birthday, but NOT by the end of November.

I'll close with a gratuitous sheep shot of Dinah and her son Browning (standing oddly; he is not humpbacked), taken today. Can't wait to spin his fleece, and see what she gives me from Franjean next spring!

That's it for now at . . .


  1. No fun frogging sleeves when the end is (was) so near. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Who said that and why? That is, besides my mother...

  2. I think the Grey looks just as good as the red :) I love the colors of your sheep and can't wait to see you spin your fleeces.

  3. Oh - so glad the sleeves are going to work out :-)

    Isn't Browning one of "my" birthday sheep? He's a handsome guy!

    Happy Thanksgiving - I hope your day is filled with joy.


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