Sunday, October 05, 2008

Signs of fall against a backdrop of grey

Changing colors:
Bright mums (and a cold bumblebee):
Full woodshed:
Crisp apples:
Wet dog:
Lit candles:
Lit burnpile:
Impatient ram:

That's it for now at . . .


  1. Sure wish we had a full woodpile since we heat with wood. I can't seem to get Jake to get our wood in the summer. He likes to wait until it is almost toooooooo late. Nice wet dog! Friends are taking care of the bullies. I hope they will be OK.

  2. So many signs of Autumn! I'm not really done with Summer yet! Beautiful pics Michelle, as usual.

  3. Lovely pictures.

  4. Fall is such a beautiful time of the year. I was thinking today how much I love watching leaves dance in the wind.

  5. Too funny! Your ram looks like he's wearing a jacket with a "shearling" collar! I had to look twice to see that it was his wool at the neck.

    Then again, I'm kind of slow....

  6. OK. I've got to clean off my computer screen. Was looking at and enjoying all the images then up scrolled the "wet dog" and I snarfed my diet Mountain Dew all over the screen.

    That is one of the funniest/saddest pictures I've seen. Still laughing about it.

  7. Finally time to catch up again so have been visiting this morning! Congrats on the modified nest boxes, looks like they're holding onto their shavings and eggs much better now! :-)

  8. We had a hard freeze last night - and I found ice on the sheeps' waterers this morning. Looks like we'll have a brief fall and go straight into winter!

  9. I have to show that woodshed picture to my husband. It's not like he's been on holiday or anything, but we have like, um, almost no wood yet!


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