Monday, October 20, 2008

Brian's favorite person

This is Brian's favorite person. Oh, he loves his other grandpas and grandmas, and us, his parents, but he does have a favorite. Us parents and grandparents aren't supposed to have "favorites," but young children rarely feign impartiality.

And what's with the beanie on Grandpa's head? Well, Grandpa had a very special surprise waiting here in Texas for Brian: a go-cart. Rick and I knew ahead of time and were instructed to pack Brian's helmet; Grandpa figured he'd better have one, too, to be a good example.

Of COURSE Brian was excited to try out "his" go-kart (also referred to sometimes a "motorized Hot Wheels"), so he and Grandpa took it for a spin on the driveway. Grandpa helped at first, as the steering was a little stiff.
After a bit of practice and the application of a grease gun, Brian was able to steer it himself. Look how intense he is about his first driving experience!
Soon he was driving solo.
He had to make a pit stop to put a racing number on the front; this should have worried me about what was to come!
As my son added goggles and confidence, he started enjoying the power available to him more and more.
At one point he didn't make the turn and accelerated right into a front post of the house, knocking it out of position and leaving a big scuff! (Later he also hit both the split-rail fence and a tree.)
He also ventured off the driveway surface, discovering how much fun it was to spin out in the wet grass and standing water from the recent heavy rain.
The result was not only a mud and grass covered go-kart (and boy),but a torn-up lawn to go with the cattywampus post. I was fretting about the mess and Grandpa just said, "The grass will grow back, and the post will be easily fixed with a sledgehammer and a bit of paint." See why he's the favorite?

That's the long-distance report for now from . . .


  1. Lucky the boy who has such a grandparent.

  2. That's one heck of a grandad - but rather a cute grandson too. I can easily see how the favouritism comes into play. :) Wonderful photos.

  3. What fun for Brian! I can definitely see why THAT Grandpa is a favorite!! I admire your courage, I think I would have been terrified, hopefully it doesn't go TOO FAST!!
    I can already see the wheels turning in Brian's head about the day he gets his drivers license....OY!! Great the first one of Grandpa and the one of Brian on his own with the look of satisfaction on his face! (Oh and the one of him spinning out on the grass!!):)

  4. Oh, what wonderful fun. So nice to have a chance to visit you this weekend. I'll be checking back for your "Kristine's wedding post" sometime soon. :)

  5. What a fun Grandpa! I love his response to the yard and posts.

  6. Very cool, my kids would love something like that still.

  7. What a great grandpa! He even kind of looks like Mr. Rogers. :-)

  8. That's one wise grandpA - he knows where value lies and the Brain is worth way more than a scuff. Brain is absolutely beaming. I can only imagine how Granddad felt.


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