Monday, September 29, 2008

Welsie holds her own

This afternoon I threw out some overripe tomatoes, trimmed the feathers on one of Welsie's wings and let her loose with the other chickens. That's her on the left, between two of the Rhodies. I don't know if the Rhodies first thought she was one of them and then realized their error or what, but shortly after I took the photo below, one of the Rhodies attacked Welsie; it looked like a cock fight for a moment!
But Welsie is not a small or timid hen; no, she is a statuesque and self-possessed lady, and doesn't take guff from anyone (okay; except for Tawny once in awhile). Isn't she striking?As you can see, she has a myriad of brown tones over her body, and the feathers on her neck and back are beautifully etched. Is this called a partridge-type pattern?

And tell Guerdon not to worry, Tammy; there have been no chocolate eggs yet. (He told her that if that hen laid an egg on the trip to bring her back home, as they haven't seen a Welsummer egg yet. Either her free-range chickens have been hiding them, or the Welsummer pullets are slow to start producing!)

That's it for now from . . .


  1. She is a beauty. I love that soft overall frosty affect (for want of a better term!). Can't wait to see her chocolate brown eggs. I may have to add that breed to my 'someday' list. Lovely pictures too.

  2. Glad to see Welsie is holding her own! :) That's one good thing about growing up a free range chicken. :) She (and my other chickens) learn to hold their own against each other, the guineas, the peacocks, the turkeys AND even the sheep! Hope she produces that beautiful dark egg soon!


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