Friday, August 01, 2008


Found on the ground this week:I guess, like Tammy, the birds decided wool mattresses are best!

I have so many things rattling around in my head to post about, so beware. Last night I pulled off a surprise bridal shower for my sister, my only chance to do something like this before her wedding given the geographic challenges. I have photos from that, Hannah in her BSJ (she came to the shower with her mama), me in "the dress" (it FITS!), and a bunch of photos I took this morning of my Ag and fawn(?) sheep. About the time I have that last one figured out to my satisfaction, I get confused again!

That's it for now at . . .

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your posts Michelle, you often brighten my day with your words and pictures. And I must say--those are smart birds! Woolen mattresses all the way! ;-)


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