Friday, June 20, 2008

BSG news bulletin

The Shetland classes ran this morning at Black Sheep Gathering. Didn't win any ribbons with my boys, but got a lot of compliments on them - and I sold Bluster! That was a real blessing, not just because I need to sell some sheep, but also because the four sheep I took were really crammed into the one pen I could get. With one less sheep, Blizz and Bella have more room in their half-pen (Braveheart is in the other half). Here's hoping two more sell before check-out time on Sunday afternoon!

Also, I got to meet to internet/blog friends for the first time - Laura (Becky, what's her last name?) and John and Tina Thomsen-Park. It's fun to meet those you've gotten to know on the computer, and find that they are every bit as nice in person! My sister came for the day as well (she's visiting her boyfriend in Medford), and took lots of photos for me while I was occupied with showing my boys. It was wonderful to have her company!

A full report with pictures is coming later. I'm home for the night and most of tomorrow, then drive back down tomorrow evening and stay until the sheep are released at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday.

That's it for now at . . .


  1. That's where you were tonight - I looked for you to say goodbye - we were able to pick up our fleeces tonight so we're headed home first thing tomorrow.

    I was hoping you'd be in the spinner's lead with one of your beautiful creations and one of your babies!

    Take care - It will be fun to read your report of BSG. XOX, T.

  2. That is great Michelle! I'm glad you sold one of the boys, and here is praying you can sell Bella and the other ramling.

  3. I'm glad you got to sell at least one of the boys, Michelle! Here's hoping the others sell as well before 4 pm today. :)

    (And I was so happy to hear about John & Tina's fleece winning!)

    Hopefully, I'll be able to enter something next year! (God willing and the creek don't rise - or another grandkid come along!)

  4. Congratulations Michelle! Isn't it great how God takes care of us?

  5. I missed BSG yet again - please deliver a full report. How nice to have an on-the-scenes reporter!!

  6. Rats! I should have realized you'd be at BSG, that's what I get for not getting to your blog in a while. We went down for a few hours on Friday, it would have been fun to have met you.

    I hope it was a great weekend for you and not too exhausting.

  7. Laura's last name is Cunningham, shes a hoot i'nt she? :) She called me Saturday evening, said she was going to have to miss the potluck because she was sick again... I was going to call yesterday to see how she was doing, think I will do that now that I am thinking about it... funny thing about my thougts, if I dont grab em when they come through, I dont see em again for awhile LOL


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