Monday, June 30, 2008

All God's creatures

Yesterday morning I was up early (allergies) and checked my email, only to learn my dear friend Lois' sad, sad news. I thought of how special each of the creatures are that God has created, and how attached I am to each of those He has entrusted to our care here at Boulderneigh. I decided then to commemorate each of them in this post, as sort of a tribute to Lucy, the humans who loved her, and the God who created her (and loved her, too).

First, there's Emma, my little office companion, who was right there with me when I read about Lucy.

When I headed out to do chores, Oreo met me at the house, something she doesn't often do. It's hard to get good photos of Oreo; she's either rubbing against me or leaving.

I put Braveheart in his pocket pasture (no photos of him, but you saw plenty of him at BSG), turned the ewes and lambs out for salad, and tried to get some good candids of them. Bevin came right up for lovin'; everyone else was too busy eating to smile for the camera. (They ran when the horses spooked them.)

Next I fed and watered the chickens. They are hard to get good photos of, too.

Then I cleaned the horse stalls, gave "prisoner" Russell his hay and turned Sam and Ollie out on pasture. (Good news on the "Muscle-Man" front: last night Rick ultrasounded him, treated him with shock wave for the third and final time, and gave me the go-ahead to start riding again at the walk.)

Jackson, of course, was my constant companion during all of the above. My little digital camera is not good at action shots, but Jackson obligingly flopped down in the lawn on our way back to the house so I could include him in this tribute.

That's it for now at . . .


  1. Oh so sad for your friend Lois. My friend Allison also lost her horse this year and it has been at a dear emotional cost. I wonder if people connect to their horses at a different level than their other animals.

  2. That's a fine looking bunch of friends you have :-) I was sorry to read of your friend's loss. It must be so shocking that a horse could get so sick so quickly.

  3. What happened to the puppy???
    Sharon, Yes I think we do connect to horses a bit different than other animals, I dont really know why...

  4. You have a way with words. Thank you for a wonderful tribute to our furry and feathery friends.

  5. Such a beautiful post, and lovely tribute to your animal (& bird) friends.

    What a terrible lose for Lois. It's one thing to lose a pet but a beloved horse which has willingly work with, and, for a person is on a different level.


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