Wednesday, April 30, 2008

C is for color

Last night I finally finished my recycled sari silk Sonnet so I could wear it today. I found the perfect buttons - yes, five different colors to go with my "coat of many colors" - just yesterday at the LYS. Unfortunately, the cardigan turned out a bit big - and then got bigger every time I put it on! The yarn's weight and lack of memory make the garment "drape," to put it kindly. I'm not sure yet if I will continue to wear it stubbornly, or if I shall gift it to someone with more "substance." I will definitely make the Sonnet again, but definitely with a different yarn and perhaps in a smaller size.

Our double pink flowering cherry is opening its tissue-paper blossoms; it's a beautiful tree and my picture doesn't do it justice.

Neither can I take a photo that does justice to Morgan's lovely plumage. Our little Easter-egger's color is so intriguing, her silvery feathers accented with gold, topped by that dark head. She's the only one of the pullets who is testing her wings and trying to get airborne.

And how about this pretty bit of color? Those are baby cones on the spruce outside our garage door.

How drab it would be without all this color in our world! I'm thankful the Creator loves color, and put an appreciation for it within us.

That's it for now at . . .


  1. Beautiful botanical photos Michelle! I think your saari silk sweater turned out very cute - it looks good on you. The saari silk vests I made had a tendency to stretch too. But they were surprisingly nice and warm, even without sleeves. Good job on the buttons, they are perfect.

  2. The sweater really is lovely. So are the blossoms and the feathered things.

  3. I like the look and fit of the sweater. It's sort of that I'm-wearing-my-man's-sweater sweater and I'm partial to that, plus it hides a multitude of sins (not that you have any).

    The flowers are lovely as are the chickens. I love my two aracaunas/americaunas. They are unique. One of them lays lovely aqua-colored egg and the other a pale olive green. It's like Christmas every day when I gather eggs. Remember May 4th, International Respect for Chickens Day!

  4. Oh Sonnet came out GREAT! It looks "comfy," not baggy. I just finished the Raj Shawl - I'm happy to be done with the Sari silk!

  5. The sweater is beautiful. It didn't look that bulky or big on you. I think that's the style these days. The beautiful gray chicken has colors I would love to have in a quilt. If a chicken can look regal, well then that one does.

  6. I agree with everyone else - the sweater looks great. Of course, it's up to you, but I don't think it's a total wash!

  7. I like the sweater! Yarns that are silk, llama, alpaca...all tend to drape that way if they are not blended with a fiber with elasticity - like wool! An alpaca breeder here in town was delighted to find Shetland wool to blend with her alpaca for that very reason.
    At least you'll be able to tell front from back! LOL!

  8. You guys are having a gorgeous spring. It was 24 degrees this morning - another fire in the woodstove, darnit. Your sweater is absolutely terrific. Maybe you can teach yourself to enjoy wearing it with a little bit of practice....

  9. I agree the sweeter should stay. And I'm having the same weather as Sharon,I can see it from here!

  10. Yup, I like the sweater :) Even if it stretched out a bit, post pics and we'll be the judge! lol. Heck, I bet it's even super in style LOL. And you're right, the world would be very boring w/o color.


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