Friday, August 10, 2007

Flowers -- and non-flowers -- of August

There's only one new face in August so far: this lovely peach gladiolus. This is the only stalk that survived the ravages of the "meadow rats."

I thought I would get to enjoy some daylilies this summer, as I planted nine pots of three different varieties recently. Besides providing all-summer color and evergreen foliage, daylilies are supposed to be deer-resistant; all in all, a very attractive set of attributes. The deer around here, though, view nearly every addition to the landscaping as a new selection in the salad bar. *Sigh*

At least the dahlias and marigolds are providing some color on the place.I guess I should stick with what works!

That's it for now at . . .


  1. The flowers are gorgeous. I have to abide by what the rabbits don't eat and that's mostly lavender and day lilies. One year the mormon crickets came through the "enjoyed the day lilies." One never knows, does one.

  2. You need that guard dog/ deer detterent pronto! I love daylillies and used to have hoards of them that had naturalized thoughout the flower beds and seemed to be always on bloom. Sigh, another thing I cannot grow here in the desert. I better go gaze at a saguaro to get some perspective.

  3. Now why don't the deer like the dahlias? That is a beautiful glad - my grandmother used to raise rows & rows of them, they are one of my favorite flowers - I didn't get any planted this year tho - too many other things going on. Do you think you might get a dog after all? T.

  4. Michelle: You must not be getting my emails, maybe they are going into your junk mail folder or something. Anyhow, I do not have any more of cora/angora, but if you send me a sample of it, I can likely match it. I do have some of her fiber unspun and I'm sure I have the bunny fiber too, I just need to see it up close to match which angora grey I used! Also I need a piece so I can make sure to spin it at the same size, I can't even remember if that was 2 or 3 ply!

  5. Michelle: I forgot to say, just a 2 or 3 inch piece is all I need. If you want to try that route, you can mail it to me at

    rebecca robinson
    15232 STate hwy 141
    mapleton, IA 51034


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