Thursday, August 30, 2007

Can't make heads nor tails of it

Which photo shows more contentment: Brava's face in a "hand pillow," or Braveheart's wagging tail? While waiting for the farrier to show up yesterday, I sat with the lambies for a nice, long lovefest. It was great!

I have been counting my blessings that this Arizona sheep "deal" turned out so well. After all, I made the decision on very short notice, with limited information and only a few emailed photos to go by. Brava's bite is less than ideal (I'm hoping it looks better once her adult teeth come in), but I really like everything else about them both.

If only I could find equally great arrangements to get some polled stock here from the Midwest! Several breeders have animals I would love to add to my tiny flock. But how would I choose? Would I be able to resist adding more than my facilities could support? Hmmm, maybe it's a GOOD thing no one is coming this way and offering reasonable fees to haul sheep!

That's it for now at . . .


  1. Such a lovely, happy face. Your idea of quick decisions and mine are quite different. It seemed like a month or so went by while you were deciding. Am I right? I'm more like the should-we-get-that, yes-let's decision maker. We are so different but I like you just fine.

  2. I think it's the shepherd's handling. :) Did that smell go away?

  3. Oh yes, the lambies no longer smell like pigs -- thank goodness!

  4. Michelle: I like the tail wagging picture best!

  5. There is nothing quite like how relaxing it is to have the little sheepies come up for a scratch. I love those wagging tails! Your little lambs are really looking nice. I think Bella looked really lovely in the picture where she was 'going back to school'. I hope you can get her wool to fluff to normal in time. It was looking like it was getting there in that picture.


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