Monday, July 23, 2007

Lambs on leads, leads on weeds

I'm really pleased with how well my lambs are walking on their leads. This morning for the first time I took them out separately, and they STILL did well -- GOOD lambies! Of course, I was busy taking care of them and other morning chores so I didn't have my camera; you'll have to take my word for it. :-)

I just got off the phone with someone at the county Extension office regarding the noxious weeds in our area. As I suspected, not much can be done, especially at this point when the tansy can still go to seed even if it's sprayed, mowed, or pulled. About the only positive thing that came out of the conversation was mutual appreciation (me for the extension office, the agent for my efforts on our own property), and confirmation that I had labeled the thistles correctly as bull thistle and Canadian thistle. I have just a few more of the latter to dig in the upper pasture and that job will be done for the year.

Yesterday I picked the first two bell peppers from our garden. I think Brian and I will have them for lunch. There are little yellow crooknecks, zucchini, cucumbers and melons visible among the vines and bushes, and a literal tomato jungle, all promising good things to eat in the near future. Bon appetit!
That's it for now at . . .


  1. Oh, those green peppers look beautiful - they always do, but I don't care for the taste ~ ~ I pick them out of everything - fajitas, greek salads, etc. I do like red peppers or yellow ones tho - I'm sure it's because they are sweeter. John finally got my cherry tomatoes planted outside the greenhouse - then it rained for a week - his purple pole beans are shooting for the sky - & blooming - we should have beans to eat in a couple of weeks. Yum.

    As much as I've enjoyed the rain, I'm looking forward to some blue sky here in a couple of days. :-) T.

  2. I'll have to admit, these peppers needed to stay on the vine longer -- they weren't too tasty. We didn't get any rain to speak of; send it this way!

  3. Our growing season is so short we just get potatoes and onions. The rest I buy at a farmers' market on my way to work on Tuesdays. I'm jealous of your garden.

  4. Boy! Am I ever behind in my comments! ;)

    I WISH I could get out to do halter breaking for the lambies! They need it desperately and I can only hope I'll be able to do it soon...but in my heart I know it may be the DH who has to do it physically...I will have to remain the "Snoopervisor" for now. :)

    Great peppers! We actually got two small gold peppers this week and I can see the Ancho Peppers are loving our rain!


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