Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Here lamby, lamby

As I said, the lambs' halter-training is going well. The lambs are easy enough to catch in their little quarantine pen, but I do still have to CATCH them. They do not offer their sweet little heads for me to truss up in nylon. Both lambs will cautiously walk up to me and sniff my fingers to see if I have any goodies, but they don't stick around. Every morning now when I halter them to lead them out to their little pocket pasture, I scratch them where I hope they itch and tell them how good they are. Sometimes I sit with them in their pen and just talk to them; sometimes I catch one (Brava mostly) to hold and cuddle, hoping she will learn to love and seek out attention like my sweet Valentine does. So far, no dice. But at least their reticence gives me some photo opportunities.This photo gives a fair representation of their colors and a nice view of Braveheart's exemplary rear end and tail. The only things I can see to improve on this lamb (and I'm really reaching here!) would be to shrink his ears just a tad and set them slightly higher, and make his fleece as lustrous as Valentine's. I can hardly wait to see if he throws lambs as nice as he is!

That's it for now at . . .


  1. Is your Braveheart polled? He has a very nice looking rearend, love that tail. I'll be sure to link to your blog, enjoy your sheepies!

  2. I sent my neighbor the link to your blog. She is serious Shetland producer, though she didn't intend to be she'd be the first to admit. We bought a couple of our boys from her.

  3. Nice arse! I think I should print out the picture and pin it up in the ruminant shelter for all the ewes to lust after. Of course, they have Leroy who seems to grow bigger and more handsome every day. His arse is nothing to sneeze at either!

  4. Wow he really is turning out to be a nice fella. I can't remember where you got your lambs from? I can't wait to see the results of your breeding to him this fall!

  5. Yes, Braveheart is polled, or possibly half-poll. Right now he has small scurs that the more experienced polled breeders tell me are likely to crumble off, but only time will tell. I bought these two lambs from Beryl Baker in Arizona. The ram lamb is by one of Juliann Budde's rams, Justalit'l Griffin, purchased by Beryl.

  6. Hi Michelle,
    Who are the sire and dam on your two lambs again?? Tammy

  7. The ram is Justalit'l Griffin X Valiant Mavis, and the ewe is Valiant Fortune X Valiant Penelope.

  8. OK...I'll be the one to ask...when will you have to separate Braveheart from the others? It looks like he is indeed becoming very ram-ly, from the wonderful arse pics. If he is like my guys, thoughts of a lusty nature will be appearing soon. ;) Or are you hoping for early lambing?


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