Saturday, July 28, 2007

Happy Bloggiversary to me!

One year ago today I posted about the "genesis of Boulderneigh," and said I hoped to have many happy chapters to follow. I must say that blogging has exceeded my expectations, and I have you visitors to thank for that. Some of the people I have "met" through Shetland sheep and blogging have become real friends, with whom I exchange emails, phone calls, recipes, cards and gifts. Others have greatly expanded my knowledge of our little breed, or have given me many points to ponder by sharing their viewpoints. That's all on TOP of the satisfaction I get from having an outlet for my writing and photography!

So here's to you who visit my blog, read my drivel and look at my photos, and most especially to those of you who COMMENT (hint, hint!): you've helped make this a wonderful year of blogging!

That's it for now at . . .


  1. Congratulations! It's been fun getting to know you better over the last year! Keep it up---you have us all addicted now. :-)

  2. Oooo, oooo, Mr. Potter, I comment; I comment!

    Happy, happy bloggiversary to you. I've enjoyed getting to cyberly plus know you and look forward to our someday of meeting in person (remember Taos, the first weekend of October? I'll be there.)

    Keep on posting!

  3. Happy bloggiversary! I am bad about commenting, sorry. You have a very nic eblog though, and I enjoy it.

  4. Happy Bloggiversary to you! I enjoy blogging for the same reason you -

  5. It just wouldn't be the same without stopping in to Boulderneigh to see what's going on! :) I'm glad you started this part of your journey, to share yourself with us.

    Hugs to you! (And I can hardly wait to hear how you did today!)

  6. Oh, happy bloggyversary to you! I remember you asked me once how I found your blog and the truth be known, I have no idea! If I see an interesting comment on someone else's blog I click through and see whether that person has a blog that's of any interest and if it is - I add it to Bloglines. I suspect this is how I came to "know" you. (",)
    I look forward to another year of Boulderneighing from you. (",)

  7. Beautiful orange begonia & happy blogoversary to you! I can't believe it's been a whole year. How time flies, huh?

    Doesn't it drive you nuts when the girls get mean with each other? John has actually gotten rid of some of his troublemakers now and again.

    Keep up you good work. T.

  8. Happy Bloggiversary Michelle!


I'm a blogger - I love comments! Oh, and you DON'T have to check that box proving you're not a robot; you'll still be able to leave your comment without it!