Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bloom and re-bloom

I love lavender, so even though Rick is not fond of its appearance or aroma, I planted a long row of edible "Grosso" three years ago. The buds are starting to open, to the delight of the bumblebees. Although I haven't gotten around to using any in cooking yet, last year I did get some sachets made, and plan to do more this year. They make fragrant little additions to gifts and care packages.

In addition to the lovely lavender, four of our daphne bushes are reblooming. We have three different varieties, but only one is giving us an encore performance after this winter's profusion. Give 'em another round of applause!

And remember that volunteer dahlia? It's still by far the biggest and best of the dahlias in the island flower bed.

There you go, the flowers of July in red, white and blue at . . .


  1. Mine are mostly brown - dry, crinkly brown. :( It clouds over most days, but we haven't gotten any real rain to speak of. (sniff, sniff)

  2. I just have to stop reading your blog;-). The wee green monster that is envy climbs out of its hole each time I read it. Even with its drought tolerance, the lavender I planted here died. In a former life, I grew organic herbs and made wreaths out of them which I sold for extra spending money. My ceilings were covered with drying flowers and herbs and I miss it! Someday I will make it up there if only to live your dream for a short while. You are truly blessed!

  3. I am just enamored with that red dahlia - I used to have an orange one like that - it was my favorite - with the petals going every which way!

    My big lavendar died last year and I've yet to replace it - I have a gift certificate to a local nursery tho - I should go pick one up tomorrow & get it planted while it's cool out.

    Have a great weekend! T.

  4. Isn't lavender a moth repellant? Someone I used to know used the lavender sachets in her yarn storage containers and I am just sure she said that it repelled moths but I better research to see for sure.

  5. Becca, I had heard that about lavender, too, but a discussion on the Spinning list squelched that hope. One spinner had moths chew holes in the bags holding the lavender (as well as in the fiber she had stored with it)! :-O

    Now for a post to make all you more experienced spinners feel better about yourselves....


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