This weekend we started on a 12'x40' addition to our barn that will be half tractor implement shed, half sheep shed. Our current sheep fold is simply the enclosed breezeway between our horse barn and our "barn shed," as Brian calls it. The breezeway is certainly a well-ventilated space that has worked for our tiny flock in all but the coldest weather, but we never intended for it to be permanent.
Before building could commence, a maple tree had to be pruned to make adequate space. In addition to providing a bit of firewood, this action also provided a banquet of leaves, which Brian delighted in serving to my horse Russell...
and to the sheep.
While the animals were dining, the real work began - digging holes and setting posts. Rick was fortunate to have so many excellent supervisors on hand, including Brian...
Rosie the bulldog...
and me (hey, I helped set posts, too!). Five posts now await headers and trusses so they can be trimmed down to size.
That's it for now at . . .
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