Saturday, July 26, 2014

About that zebra

Okay, here's the short version; we have company for another week and I'm short on free time.

Early this week, Rick got a call from a circus performing in Salem. Their two zebras and miniature horse needed their hooves trimmed, and they were looking for a vet to tranquilize them and a farrier to do the trimming. So Rick started networking, contacting exotic animal colleagues, our farrier, etc. in order to do the work safely for all concerned. After being warned about how difficult/dangerous even "trained" zebras can be, Rick decided that he'd better take a look at the facilities before the Thursday appointment, and called his circus contact on Wednesday. We were invited to come on down – and stay for the performance that night! We quickly got ready for a date night, veterinary-style. ;-)
We were met at the gate and taken back to meet the two zebras, the two Bactrian camels, and a miniature horse. The animals were beautifully cared for, their handlers obviously in tune with the animals' needs and personalities. Rick began to rethink the approach needed to work on them.

In the meantime, we went in to see the show – and what a show it was! Lots of talented, beautiful and sometimes daring acts, very funny clowns (even though we don't know Spanish and couldn't understand them), and three good animal acts – the miniature horse, a troupe of talented pigs, and the camels and zebras together.
Bottom line: we were SO impressed with Circo Hermanos Vazquez!

The call on Thursday went well, too. One of the zebras didn't even need to be tranquilized to have its feet trimmed, something unheard of by other veterinarians. Getting blood from them for the Coggins tests was a bit more difficult, but they came up with solution that worked. Rick also did health certificates for the camels and pigs so they can all go on to Sacramento from here.

That's it for now from . . .


Deairdre said...

Wow! What fun! I work as a vet tech, but we mostly only get dogs and cats.

Tombstone Livestock said...

Sounds like a fun "date" ........

Spinners End Farm said...

A day in the life of a veterinarian!

Unknown said...

Wow, what an experience!

Fiona said...

That sounds about like the BEST kind of date...dinner and a show and a wildlife adventure rolled into one! Better yet you didn't need to fight for reservations or get all dressed up and wear heels!